Some Cool Crowdfunding Projects (June 2014)

E3 2014 is almost upon us. The world’s biggest gaming and digital entertainment expo, it’s the place where game announcements, trailers and gameplay will be revealed all in the same week. I love this time of year.

I’m frustrated though, because it seems nearly every game has already been leaked or officially revealed weeks before the event: a new “Call of Duty,” a new “Battlefield,” new “Homefront,” new “Mortal Kombat,” and others all have official trailers or logos already out. What’s left to reveal? The excitement is partially taken away, and I’m hopeful that there are still a couple surprises worth watching for.

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Indie: The American Dream

(I’m not actually American, but the phrase sounds better with “American” than “Canadian”.)

I’ve talked to a few friends over the last few weeks. Graduating from university, what will become of them? Some have landed very impressive jobs at various companies (and are very deserving of them). I’ve also heard disappointment and boredom with their jobs. I’ve heard plans of (eventually) getting a Masters degree, maybe a Phd, and eventually starting their own company.

Starting your own company… going “indie”…

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What happened to “James?”

So I’ve formally announced “Drew and the Floating Labyrinth” to the world, complete with logo and rough video. I’ve gotten some good feedback too, mainly from Youtube and Reddit. The game certainly isn’t catching like wildfire, but I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback, and am grateful for the responses.

But the fans must be asking… what happened to “James – Journey of Existence?”

… ok, no one’s asking. But I’ll talk about it anyway.

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Some Cool Crowdfunding Projects (May 2014)

Oops, almost forgot about showing off new crowdfunding projects this month. I’m very busy, and should have more to say in the next several days. Anyway…

Interestingly, added new categories for the “games” section. Put it to good use as you search on your own.

Also, I continuously get frustrated when people on ask for people to fund “them” rather than ideas or projects, saying that “they are full of potential but don’t have any money,” etc. The site really should implement a review process before letting just anyone put crowdfunding projects up.
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