Research in Artificial Intelligence – Adding “Heritage” To Evolutionary Algorithms

This blog is about my journey as an indie game developer. But I do other things too: last year I finished my Master’s degree with a thesis on artificial intelligence. In my defense I talked about a new algorithm concept of my own design, and how it improved over existing implementations. I also secretly intended the design of this algorithm to be usable in my next game project, which I am currently working on.

So with this justification and with my last paper on the subject published, I will briefly talk about my Master’s research in the article, and why I think I may never take a job involving “academia research” again.

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Game Development Update – Animating From Scratch

It’s been several months since I wrote a proper update about my game development projects. That’s really what the purpose of this site is for, after all. So here’s an update.

I’ve been working for months on a new animation system for my next game. Unfortunately, not everything is working out smoothly…

My new 2D character in 3D... may not represent final gameplay.

My new 2D character in 3D… may not represent final gameplay.

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An Apology To Full-Time Workers With Passion Projects

I haven’t written a blog post in about two months, which is the longest I’ve gone since I started this site. The reason is simple: I have a full-time job now.

What bothers me the most about this is how much I’ve given up to make a living. I barely spend more than a few hours each week on making games anymore. Not long ago I had the opinion that no game, no matter how big or small or size of the development team, should take more than a couple of years to make. My experience now gives me a whole new appreciation to full-time workers who make games in their spare time.

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End of 2015, Looking Into The Future

I haven’t made a blog post in over a month, which is probably the longest I’ve gone without one. And these breaks will be even longer in the future. But make no mistake: a lot of changes happened for me in the last month, and even more are expected in 2016, but Dust Scratch Games will still be active, and you can expect exciting announcements and developments in the months to come.

The biggest change is that I am no longer officially a student. I am thankful that I have a job position starting soon, but before then? The job searching process was painful…

When you're finally ready to begin your job search...

When you’re finally ready to begin your job search…

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