Breaking Into Game Design As A Career

(Disclaimer: The following article was NOT written by me – the guy who maintains and writes stuff on this blog. But of the variety of topics I’ve covered, I don’t think I’ve ever written anything for people who want to ‘break’ into the game industry. The following article has been provided by Jackie Edwards with my permission, and contains both well-known and lesser-known tips about how to start a career in game development. From my experience, I can say it covers everything quite well in a concise format. – A.H.)


Game design is becoming an increasingly competitive industry; breaking into the industry can be a grueling task and the job is just as tough, so it’s important to really consider whether it’s the right fit for you. At first, it may even entail having another job while you program games in your spare time. If you’re 100% convinced that game designing is your ideal career, acquiring the necessary skills is fundamental.

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Augmented Reality is Becoming Slowly Relevant

AR (Augmented Reality) has been experimented with for almost a decade. I recall in 2013 working over the summer at a app-development company that was playing with the idea of using smartphone cameras to overlay an animated character overtop a QR-code trading card. We’ve seen games like “Pokémon Go” in 2016 giving us cute little monsters seemingly in the same space as us. The applications have been simple so far, relying on simple overlay of CGI, but I suspect we will see greater innovation and growth in this field in the next 3-5 years. This is because both Apple and Google are starting to heavily promote the applications.

Apple and Google used AR to excite audiences for their new devices in Fall 2017

Apple and Google used AR to excite audiences for their new devices in Fall 2017

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#canada150game – “The Great Canadian Game Jam” Post-Mortem

Happy Canada Day!

The last six months have been busy, but fun. It’s the first time I took a major role in co-organizing a local game jam, aiming to bring the country together in celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday. It finished on July 1, and while I’m proud of it, it’s also clear that some major things went wrong, and lessons were learned.


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