“3D Cel Animation” Workflow & Test Animation

So I announced my newest project “True King” a couple weeks ago… it featured a tiny character you could barely see.

While most of the game will be like that, I spent a lot of time experimenting with my animation systems for the characters in this game. Here’s a cool video that shows what I’m working with.

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Research in Artificial Intelligence – Adding “Heritage” To Evolutionary Algorithms

This blog is about my journey as an indie game developer. But I do other things too: last year I finished my Master’s degree with a thesis on artificial intelligence. In my defense I talked about a new algorithm concept of my own design, and how it improved over existing implementations. I also secretly intended the design of this algorithm to be usable in my next game project, which I am currently working on.

So with this justification and with my last paper on the subject published, I will briefly talk about my Master’s research in the article, and why I think I may never take a job involving “academia research” again.

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Game Development Update – Animating From Scratch

It’s been several months since I wrote a proper update about my game development projects. That’s really what the purpose of this site is for, after all. So here’s an update.

I’ve been working for months on a new animation system for my next game. Unfortunately, not everything is working out smoothly…

My new 2D character in 3D... may not represent final gameplay.

My new 2D character in 3D… may not represent final gameplay.

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E3 2015 – A Review From A Little Indie’s Perspective

E3 seems bigger this year. Maybe it’s because of Bethesda and Square Enix entering the fray, joining Ubisoft, EA, and of course Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo (and PC?) to try to convince you why they are the company to look at.

This is all a further sign of modern times both in industry and culture, how everyone is trying to not only be in the spotlight but steal the spotlight entirely for themselves. Such selfish people. I’m just as guilty: if I had games that stood out like that, I’d be trying to steal the show too (my current games “Drew and the Floating Labyrinth” and “Unfinished – An Artist’s Lament” are not even close to worthy… although if you haven’t yet seen those hand-drawn 3D games, do take a look). All the same, I ended up being more pumped then ever this year, with this many groups and now years into the current generation, surely everyone had something to show. Even Youtube had it on their homepage logo, advertising their new game-streaming service, helping ensure millions could comfortably watch it all (although I had some unusual slow down times in streaming, maybe even Youtube can’t handle that many viewers at once).

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