“True King” Development – Fixing an Animation Bug and Understanding Unity3D’s “Update” System

Anyone who has played my last two games will have noticed a bug I never properly fixed, one that is unique to my animation system. The 3D camera can be moved freely, but doing so quickly will see the character’s frames not keeping up with it, resulting in a temporarily odd appearance. A month ago, I finally got around to finding the problem.

An example of what happens when the camera is moved too quickly in “True King”

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An Alternate Method To Recognize When Objects Are Between Your Player and Game Camera

It’s almost 2018, I plan to write a status report of my game development status soon. In short, I think I spent most of my dev time in 2017 on trees, and am still doing so even today. At least I learned a lot… still feels frustrating though.

For some time, I’ve ignored an issue where objects are in between my game camera and the focus object (in my case, the player). My past games had sparse environments, so this was never really a problem. But my current game will be a bit more diverse than that. When thinking about how to resolve this, I realized there is a simple solution that, while not perfect, gives acceptable results.

There’s more than one way to skin a tree…

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“True King” Development – More Optimization

I don’t know why, but it’s hard to focus and make progress on my current project. It seems when I play around a bit with making the level, I end up moving backwards… this week, I did some testing regarding Unity3D’s “Terrain” system and looked again at my tree models.

Generally, using Unity3D's "Terrain" system yields comparable visual results...

Generally, using Unity3D’s “Terrain” system yields comparable visual results…

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