Good News Everyone! “Unfinished” is Greenlit, Gets New Music, & Is Coming To ConBravo With “Arcane Bullshit”

A lot happened in the last week or so.

Firstly, it was Canada Day this week. Happy Canada Day. Today it is also the 4th of July. Happy America Day.

Secondly, my latest indie game “Unfinished – An Artist’s Lament” has just been Greenlit on Steam! This is unusual: based on the data, games in general are easier to get passed on Greenlight since last year because older popular stand-outs are slowly being passed through, even-ing out the playing field a bit. The game was around 60% to the top, similar to my last game “Drew and the Floating Labyrinth” when it got greenlit. I can’t say my game is at all popular, the only big difference is that, overall, the game received more positive votes than negative compared to “Drew.” That alone seems to have helped me in getting passed. Which is strange, since I uploaded “Unfinished” long before the gameplay was finished enough to make sense, and despite this unclear design it seemed more universal. Further, no bundles were used to help get me ahead in votes, so if I’ve learned anything here, “up” votes are more important than I thought.

Greelight stats after passing to Steam for "Unfinished - An Artist's Lament"

Greelight stats after passing to Steam for “Unfinished – An Artist’s Lament”

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New 2D Faces on 3D Characters – 2D Live Euclid

CES 2015 happened last week. Beautiful tvs, new laptops and tablets, a lot of car-tech… but I’m going to talk about an innovation from about a month ago that’s more up my alley.

Most of the posts on this blog makes it clear that I like 2D animation. My first game (which got Greenlit on Steam recently, I’ll talk about that more in a few weeks) is one of the first truly 3D games that has a hand-drawn character. I did this because I am annoyed that no one has really done that before. However, “Live2D” is a company that has been trying hard to make it easier for developers to do that, and so their latest effort, “Live2D Euclid,” comes closer than ever. Their website is available here: , and a video of their latest technology can be seen here:

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What Have I Been Working On?

I promised some weeks ago that I would get around to mentioning exactly what I’m working on at the moment. “Drew and the Floating Labyrinth” has been released about two months ago, and since then I’ve been hard at work at other exciting projects. And school… mostly school.

The result is that I don’t really have anything concrete to show. Sadly. I’m disappointed in myself. But anyway, I’ll stop your curiosity and mention stuff here:

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“Hullabaloo” About Successful IndieGoGo 2D Film Project

Around the time of this writing, IndieGoGo campaign “Hullabaloo” will end.

“Hullabaloo” is a 2d animated film project. It features a strong female lead in a steampunk world. It basically hopes to accomplish what Disney and other big-name animation studios haven’t done for over a decade. Yes, it’s technically a series of short films, but it’s success may also lead to a feature film if we’re lucky.

I pledged just before it ended (for the record, IndieGoGo made it incredibly easy to pledge even without an account, making me like it even a bit more than Kickstarter). I’m excited for this project. Not just because I love 2d traditional animation. I’m excited because, when asking for $80,000 on IndieGoGo, it raised over $450,000. That’s a lot.

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