Who Says We Don’t Have Game Developers in Windsor?

Windsor, Ontario is known for a few things. Mostly car manufacturing and gambling at our hotspot city casino. If you live in Windsor, you probably work in one of these sectors. Windsor also has a vibrant comic book community that I hope continues to further define the city. Chances are these things define you if you live in the area for long.

Windsor also has a growing technology sector (well, the entire world does). Game developers still gravitate around Vancouver, Montreal or Vancouver to work in Canada, and living in Windsor I only knew of a couple other like-minded creatives in the area. Thankfully, directory website WEIG (Windsor-Essex Indie Games) and its related weekly meetup at Hackforge is helping bring this secluded community together. I’ll be giving a talk this month in May as its featured developer, the second of many more speakers to come.


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Good News Everyone! “Unfinished” is Greenlit, Gets New Music, & Is Coming To ConBravo With “Arcane Bullshit”

A lot happened in the last week or so.

Firstly, it was Canada Day this week. Happy Canada Day. Today it is also the 4th of July. Happy America Day.

Secondly, my latest indie game “Unfinished – An Artist’s Lament” has just been Greenlit on Steam! This is unusual: based on the data, games in general are easier to get passed on Greenlight since last year because older popular stand-outs are slowly being passed through, even-ing out the playing field a bit. The game was around 60% to the top, similar to my last game “Drew and the Floating Labyrinth” when it got greenlit. I can’t say my game is at all popular, the only big difference is that, overall, the game received more positive votes than negative compared to “Drew.” That alone seems to have helped me in getting passed. Which is strange, since I uploaded “Unfinished” long before the gameplay was finished enough to make sense, and despite this unclear design it seemed more universal. Further, no bundles were used to help get me ahead in votes, so if I’ve learned anything here, “up” votes are more important than I thought.

Greelight stats after passing to Steam for "Unfinished - An Artist's Lament"

Greelight stats after passing to Steam for “Unfinished – An Artist’s Lament”

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Desura Late Payments – A Comment From A Thankful Developer

If you follow indie-developer news lately, you probably noticed since late 2014 that Desura, a online store prominent for small indie games, has been late to pay many developers. I was one of those developers waiting to get paid, although I did eventually receive what I was owed in January 2015. The only reason I post this now is that I feel some responsibility… several game news-sites have only recently started writing stories about Desura’s excuses, and most have specifically referenced a reddit page I made asking if this was a common problem.

The reason I bring this up is that I’m scarred. Legally, developers that have waited months for their owed payments have a case to sue Desura if they wanted to, but doing this type of action always seemed petty and out of anger and spite to me (America has a reputation of treating suing someone as a business rather than a legal action). I don’t think it’s worth the effort. I don’t think it’s worth the pain.

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After One Week On Steam Greenlight…

Ok, then. It’s been about one week since my indie game in development, a hand-drawn 3d puzzle platformer called “Drew and the Floating Labyrinth,” was listed on Steam Greenlight (see that page here). I hesitate to write about it yet, since I’m sooooo close to reaching 1,000 “yes votes,” but the visitor count has slowed down to a crawl, so I won’t get there for at least a few more days.

Have you seen a hand-drawn character in a 3d game before?

Have you seen a hand-drawn character in a 3D game before?

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