“Hullabaloo” About Successful IndieGoGo 2D Film Project

Around the time of this writing, IndieGoGo campaign “Hullabaloo” will end.

“Hullabaloo” is a 2d animated film project. It features a strong female lead in a steampunk world. It basically hopes to accomplish what Disney and other big-name animation studios haven’t done for over a decade. Yes, it’s technically a series of short films, but it’s success may also lead to a feature film if we’re lucky.

I pledged just before it ended (for the record, IndieGoGo made it incredibly easy to pledge even without an account, making me like it even a bit more than Kickstarter). I’m excited for this project. Not just because I love 2d traditional animation. I’m excited because, when asking for $80,000 on IndieGoGo, it raised over $450,000. That’s a lot.

Remember, this is on IndieGoGo, which doesn’t have many projects that reach that level of funding compared to Kickstarter (after double-checking, IndieGoGo has a number of highly successful campaigns, but this one still did remarkably well). Even if Walt Disney Studios themselves were to post a crowdfunding campaign for a new 2d animated film, as much as I love the art, I don’t believe it would receive more than a few hundred thousand dollars in advanced backing. This small project, with a team of experienced and passionate animators, were able to exceed my hopes. This shows how important the old style of animation is to a large community, plus the story and characters of the proposed project certainly helped. AND HOW IMPORTANT IT IS FOR CERTAIN AMERICAN ANIMATION STUDIOS TO GIVE 2D ANIMATION A FAIR SHARE OF… sorry, I’m getting carried away.

Readers of this site already know my projects involving bringing 2d animation into 3d computer games. While my first complete game “Drew and the Floating Labyrinth” has received a less than modest return, this gives me hope that people will be excited for such a thing at that someone, if not me, may complete such an idea well (or better than I have). Or that, if I get better with practice, there will be an audience for my work. Or that we might return to a time when 2d animation gets regular theatrical releases at least as often as stop-motion films (seriously, when did that switch happen?). I’d like that very much.