Public Game Testing (Part 1)

I showed off my latest unannounced indie game, as well as a couple other projects, to help promote my University at a local mall. I like volunteering at events like these, but doing so over the next few months also gives me fantastic opportunity to ask general people what they think of my work.

Of course, being in the middle of a mall doesn’t guarantee many will stop to see you. The entire University probably had about a hundred people stop to see the exhibit, about a dozen of which stopped to see my work. And the results?

A couple teens admitted the hand-drawn pseudo-3D effect I have in my games looks really cool and has a ton of potential. A young girl preferred playing a research-led game involving an open-world native-American environment. A few boys enjoyed the hand-drawn game more than the other two projects I had. The children who played the game (a puzzle-platformer) got the general idea fast enough to beat a level within a few minutes, a younger one in Grade 1 took longer at about ten minutes, but fully enjoyed the game nonetheless.

It’s good to know that a puzzle game can be understood by other people (young ones included), and that the visual style of my games got some attention. I think I’m on the right track. We’ll see next week at another exhibit how people like the game (I imagine a greater focus on the one game as opposed to the others will be given). Hopefully I can finish animating that new model instead of using an old model of “James,” but we’ll see…