
There haven’t been too many clues yet on what Dust Scratch Games actually does or what they’re working on… until now.

Check out our latest videos on YouTube: experimental footage of 2D characters in 3D space. It’s a hand-drawn 3D game. Cool, right? You gotta check out the videos to see what we’re talking about. These were done as part of a proposed research project in early 2013 (by the sole member of this site) using the Unity 3D game engine. The methods utilized here are similar to older fps (“first-person shooter”) games before 3D modeling was viable, but expanded for third-person gameplay and a freely-rotating camera, and with full HD visuals, of course. The result is completely different from any game that exists today, and is the closest we’ve come to having hand-drawn animation cut into the more popular game genres.


And this leads us to what the first game from Dust Scratch Games will strive to be: the first true 3D game with traditionally-animated characters. Who says 3D games need realistic 3D models? Why not take advantage of HD art and modern computers to recreate a style that hasn’t been in the spotlight for over a decade? Why use computer models when hand-created drawings have the life and soul we’ve been craving out of our characters?

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